“Tornar os Açores no Silicon Valley das Tecnologias oceânicas”
In: Correio dos Açores, 17 de Setembro de 2024, Ano 105…
Audience Award of the AI for the Oceans Award
blueOASIS won the Audience Award of the AI for the Oceans…
Modelling Waves in the World Surfing Reserve of Ericeira – Project Outcomes
Last month, we’ve concluded the project Coastal Wave Modelling…
Making the Oceans Quiet Again – Paid Challenge
With the consistent upscale of ocean utilization by the shipping…
Our spin-off HydroTwin is officially a Startup of the Portugal Ventures investment package
Portugal Ventures is now an Investor of HydroTWIN - Smart Acoustic…
blueOASIS in Incorporate Magazine
At blueOASIS we are gearing up to play a pivotal role in Portugal's…
Floating Offshore Wind Modelling Cooperation
blueOASIS and SINTEF Ocean are proud to announce that the…
Coastal Wave Modelling in the World Surfing Reserve of Ericeira
blueOASIS and Norwegian University of Science and Technology…
blueOASIS promotes gender equality
blueOASIS was recognized by the Portuguese Government to…
blueOASIS obtained Recognition of Competence in the practice of R&D activities
blueOASIS was recently recognized by the National Innovation…
blueOASIS is now member of Waterborne
blueOASIS is now full member of Waterborne "The European…
“O mar é fulcral para o desenvolvimento da economia”
In: Magazine Valor - June, 3 - 2022
A blueOASIS desenvolve…
Tecplot, Inc. – A Tight Cooperation Towards Ocean Sustainability
blueOASIS is now partner of Tecplot, Inc. and will be using…
A inteligência artificial para aplicações marítimas
In: Revista de Marinha - Março/Abril 2022 - Edição nº1026
Seawind onboards Portuguese blue engineering crew for Iberian floating wind drive
Floating wind technology pioneer…
Seawind Ocean Technology and blueOASIS collaboration
Seawind announces key collaboration with blueOASIS!
Atlantic Azores – Making Azores the Atlantic Ocean Sustainability Hub
A new Azorean consortium is born at the beginning of 2022.