HPC Facilities

High-resolution and holistic approaches, such as the ones we apply at blueOASIS require heavy High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources and technical knowledge to manage it.

Besides having a strong background in HPC Tier-x machines since 2004 we have access to a series of HPC clusters which we can use for specific projects (total of more than 40000 cores!). See our HPC resources below.

Own resources:

  • Supermicro-AMD in-house machine.
  • Cluster in atnorth facilities, xxx cores (scalable).

Research resources:

  • Iridis5 (UK), 18650 cores (research purposes).
  • Marclus4 (NL), 4000 cores (blueOASIS-MARIN cooperation projects).
  • Navigator (PT), 3936 cores (FCCN project).
  • Deucalion (PT), 64000 x86 cores, 78336 arm cores and 132 Nvida Ampere GPUs (FCCN/EuroHPC project).